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Wait for VC:Task (With Errorhandling)

vRO comes with builtin actions for waiting for a VC:Task (vCenter Task). However this (as all “builtin” actions comes without any form of errorhandling.)

This is an example on how to include error handling (and note: This is now a workflow)

Input parameter:

[Number]MaxWaitTime = Number of seconds for maximum wait before we say the task timed out.
[VC:Task]Task = Task to wait for completion.

Output parameters:

[String]TaskResult = “ERROR”,“TIMEOUT” or “OK” (check for this result)
[String]TaskError = Error Description if TaskResult = “ERROR”

var timeout = MaxWaitTime;		
if (timeout == 0)
	timeout = 60;		// 60 Seconds minimum
var polling = 5;		// Check Every 5 second..
TaskError = "";		// Blank by Default.
if (Task != null && (Task instanceof VcTask))
	System.log("WaitForTask started.  Task: " +"("") on: ";
	while (true)
		if ( ==VcTaskInfoState.error)
			TaskResult= "ERROR";
			TaskError =;
		else if ( ==VcTaskInfoState.running)
			System.log("Task still running...");
			timeout -= polling;
			System.sleep(polling * 1000);
		else if ( ==VcTaskInfoState.queued)
			System.log("Task is queued...");
			timeout -= polling;
			System.sleep(polling * 1000);
		else if ( ==VcTaskInfoState.success)
			TaskResult = "OK";
		if (timeout <= 0) 
			System.log ("TaskWait timed out...");
			TaskResult = "TIMEOUT";
	System.log("Task Start Time:      ";
	System.log("Task Queue Time:      ";
		// Note: If task failed, the completion time will not exists.
		System.log("Task Completion Time: ";
	catch (exception)
		// Do Not care...        
	// Task was null
	TaskResult = "ERROR";
	TaskError ="NULL value for Task to wait for."
vrealize/code/waitforvctask.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/29 01:37 by admin