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Name should tell it all. (Think Unix). Remove Directories and files. Made for network fileshares (Support HNAS and Windows FileShares). Will delete spesified directory, and if any files is open, force close the connection to remove the files. (Was orginially made to delete homedirs of users, even if some files was in use at the time, or user had set “NO Access” to admins). Requires “Backup Operator” access on the server holding fileshare, does not care about Access Control (ACL's). Translate all path to UNC (\\?\UNC) to support files/directories up to 32768 in lenght (avoiding 256 max path)

Usage Examples:

RMRF.exe -force {Directory}Will delete all files and subdirectories (INCLUDING top directory)
RMRF.exe -verbose -force {Directory}Will delete all files and subdirectories (INCLUDING top directory) and list all files deleted
software/utilities/rmrf.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/30 01:12 (external edit)