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UDP client and server in one.
It will send UDP packets in increasing sizes with one second interval. Data inside the packet contains extra checksums to verify packet it unchanged.
Was created to prove that Microsoft had a bug i Azure VPN over IPSEC. (Witch they did, resulting in any packets fragmented, and if the last fragment was less than 60 bytes was dropped in Azure.)


UDPTester.exe -mode Server -IP {ListenIP} -Port {Listenport}Will run in Servermode, listen on spesific IP and port
UDPTester.exe -mode Client -IP {LocalIP} -DESTIP {IPofServer} -PORT {LocalPort} -DPORT {PortOfServer} -Start {packetsize} -End {PacketSize} -MTU {Size}Start sending UDP packets from local machine to server, one packet every second with increased size
software/utilities/udptester.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/06/30 00:54 (external edit)