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Shortlist of commands for the Applicance Box

Start the vRO Configurator

/etc/init.d/vco-configurator start

Reset the “locked” root account (if you are allready logged in)

pam_tally2 --user root --reset
(Remove old used passwords so you can set the same password again)
/etc/security/opasswd (remove the file)


/etc/init.d/vco-server start
service vcac-server restart
service horizon-workspace restart

rabbitmqctl cluster_status
/usr/sbin/vcac-config cluster-db-nodes-status  
vcac-vami rabbitmq-cluster-config get-rabbitmq-status
Reload config for services (in Appliance)
 /usr/sbin/vcac-config cluster-config-ping-nodes

Connect to the Postgres SQL database

cat /etc/vcac/server.xml | grep password
(grab the passord)
su postgres
cd /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin
./psql vcac -W 
(paste password)

Postgres commands:

\? (List all commands)
\dt (list all tables)
\l (list all databases)
\c database (connect to database)
\conninfo (list current connections
\q (quit)

Extend the web session on vRA:

  1. vi /etc/vcac/setenv-core
  2. Add the following to the file
  3. VCAC_OPTS=“$VCAC_OPTS -Dvcac.identity.auth.cookie.ttl=28800”
  4. (TTL 28800 = 8 Hours)
  5. Save file and restart vcac-service

Set root Password of Appliance box to never Expire:

chage -m 0 -M 99999 root
chage -l root

Directories of Interest:

/usr/lib/vco/  - VRO files
/usr/lib/vcac/ - VRA Files
/etc/vco/ - vro Config Files
/etc/vcac/ - vRA Config Files
/etc/rabbitmq/ - RabbitMQ Config Files
/opt/vmware/horizon/workspace/conf - Config files.
/etc/xenon/ - Xenon config files
/storage/log/vmware/ - Logfiles

tail -f /var/log/vmware/vcac/vcac-config.log
rabbit logfiles
healthbroker service (sandbox) location:

Using Curl to test port connection

curl -v telnet://

 curl -k
vrealize/general/root.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/20 23:25 by admin