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This is a collection of some utilities I've created. As a warning, do not use these unless you have some basic understanding, some of them might make havoc of your system. And in general, you should not thrust some unknown exe files downloaded from the Internet. If you you still want to try them, do it in a safe environment first! Everything is created in C (compiled as exe files without any runtime requirements) or c# (Requires .Net 2.0)

Also, NO responsibilty taken if you want to use any of these!!!

aclutil.exe0.982003-2021DACL and ACE editor for files and directories, with some powerful features
adfFwGui.exe0.62016-2021Windows Firewall Advanced Viewer
IASLogAnalyzer.exe0.842013-2021NPS Log viewer(translator)
LogLauncher.exe1.002009Start a vbscript/jscript if a text appears in a logfile
PSCredMan.DLL1.02018Secure Password storage in Powershell scripts.
RMRF.exe1.052013-2015Forable Directory deletion
UDPTester.exe0.12020UDP Server and client for testing UDP packets transmission.
WinUpdate.exe1.062018-2020Forceable run Windows Update until all patches are applied.

If you really want to download one of these, you have to manually enter: http:\\\download\{add name of file here (see table)}
YES it's made so hard on purpose!

software/utilities/start.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/06/30 02:12 by vmware